Journey Into Rescue – Lucy From South Carolina


Sue Caley - Foster Mom Extraordinaire

Our very own star of “I Love Lucy” Lucky Dog Edition made her freedom ride from an Animal Control Facility in South Carolina around 3 weeks ago. She was over weight and just stood around, not making eye contact and looking uncomfortable. When her foster mom placed her on a doggie bed she immediately gets off and stood, just looking into space. She seemed most comfortable in a crate. We have a feeling she has spent a lot of time in one during her short lifetime of 4 years. It also looks like she has had puppies. Many times perhaps? Going up and down steps and taking walks didn’t seem to be in her little vocabulary.  But we feel her story is most powerful as told in Lucy’s own words:

Day 1: After riding in the back of a truck with a bunch of other dogs for …..years(?) We were unloaded and handed off to different people. My person seemed nice enough and took me home, fed me and gave me a bath. (Felt pretty nice actually) I wasn’t sure what to do so after that so when I saw a crate I went into it and just watched, from inside….

Day 2: My person took me to a horrible place today where tons of other dogs and people stood around looking at each other. I wasn’t sure what to do so I just stood there, trying not to look at anybody. Quite a few dogs left to go home with different people then they came with? I wonder if someone is going to want to take me home with them?

Day 3: No one new took me home yesterday but it’s OK. Wow, doggie beds are pretty comfy things to hang out on...happy sigh!

Day 4: WALKS ARE SO MUCH FUN! Me and the person and the other dogs are going on walks everyday. (She said for me that they are more appropriately called “Sniffs”?) I've found out that the world is filled with lovely smells and things to sniff, and best yet is ….GRASS! OMG! Foster mom says I look so cute rolling around on my back and pulling myself along happily on my stomach through the grass until I almost pass out from joy…but who can blame me really? It’s SO WONDERFUL!

Day 5: Hey, steps are OK after all, and a great way to get to the upper level here, where they have more soft beds!

Day 6: They took me to a horrible place where a bunch dogs and people walked around looking at each other. I refused to participate and just looked at the wall, hoping they would take me back to the grassy area and soft beds.

Day 7: Whew, I am back in the place with stairs, grass and soft beds! Today I discovered this big bucket filled with bones, balls, and stuffed things that squeak. I didn’t understand what they were for until the person showed me what to do with them. It’s the funnest thing ever! My favorite is a soft Spideyman that has a plastic bottle inside of it and when I chew on it, it makes the best and loudest crackly noise ever! The lady is pretty nice about it and replaces the bottle inside, once I have destroyed it. Sometimes she rolls her eyes in a funny way. I think I like her now. Life seems to be kind of nice now. I hope it stays this way….

Day 8: Today was the BEST DAY EVER! I met a family, with kids, and they took me shopping!!!! I got all the treats, a nice new comfy bed, a leash and collar, and best of all A FAMILY! And they promised to keep me forever! Thank you thank you thank you to my entire rescue family, and to my fellow Lucky Dogs still looking for their furever families, stay strong. You can do it!!!
