My Journey Into Rescue -- It All Started with Sammy!


Nancy Anderson -- Foster and Dog Adoption Coordinator
Nancy Anderson

Growing up, dogs were always part of our family. RIght before I was born, my parents brought home a 4-month old puppy named Sammy, who'd been abandoned in a mall parking lot. I shared everything with her -- toys, food, you name it -- until we had to say goodbye to her when she was 15. Our family rescued another dog the following week, who was a constant companion through my college years.

I knew I'd adopt a dog on my own once I was settled. I'd look at adoptable dog websites constantly and think about how cute all the dogs were, but I was too afraid to actually adopt one on my own. Then I saw the cutest boy on Lucky Dog's website: his name was Lionel (he has since been renamed Ike), and he looked terrified in his shelter pictures. I applied immediately and brought him home. He was a puppy, and he was a crazy, high energy beagle mix. I would take him on runs and hikes with me and he was never tired. People kept saying he'd "probably calm down once he's 2 or so." He's 10 now and he's still crazy, but he is the best and I adore him. 

During the pandemic, I decided Ike needed a buddy and I adopted Cashew (formerly Posh) from Lucky Dog. She was so scared and went through a lot her first year (including heartworm treatment and stitches on her paw), but she bonded immediately with me and Ike and has become very brave and confident. 

Over the last year, I wanted to do more to help dogs like Ike and Cashew feel safe and loved. I started volunteering as a handler at Lucky Dog's events, and now I foster and help out as an Adoption Coordinator. Ike and Cashew have been great leaders for all the fosters and make them feel right at home, and they (mostly) love them all! I've loved my time spent with the Lucky Dog team -- it is so rewarding to volunteer alongside others who genuinely care and love each of these animals.